
Please make sure your child's name is in all their clothing!! Ties, ballet shoes, gloves - everything!

All children in Y5 must wear the uniform for older children.
This includes; a white school shirt or blouse with a collar
                       a school tie (unless wearing a dress)
                       black indoor shoes

Sports/Dance Kit
Please keep Sports and Dance kits in school all week.
Please make sure your child can fasten their own Sports shoes!

Outdoor Clothes
We play outside from 10.15am till 11.15am - Often the forecast is different to the weather when you set out early in the morning. Please check the forecast to send in the right outdoor clothing.

There is a dry/wipe board in the changing rooms for you to write any specific clothing instructions for a particular day.

Please Note! We DO play out when it rains (unless it is heavy), so children often need a waterproof jacket and a hat!

Spare Clothes
Please keep a spare set of clothes in their locker in case they get wet outside or have an accident (wearing Borsht is not good!) and as the weather gets colder they can be very wet from sweating - so, better to have something to change into (including underpants/knickers, tights and socks).

Hair Care
If your child has long hair, it must always be tied back/up in a ponytail, plait or bunches. Please keep a small brush and spare hair bands in their locker.

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