Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Y5 Friday 1st December

(an old post which I didn't publish at the time as I was waiting for some photographs - but thought I would put it up anyway!)

Christmas has begun!!

We are happy to see everyone returning to school after a couple of weeks of illness!

Although we have had lots of children absent we have tried to carry on as much as we could!

The Christmas play this year will be 'Ebeneezer' (Scrooge) - a play based on the famous novel 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens and will be performed by Years 3, 4 and 5.
As we have only a small number of children in these classes, most children will take more than one part.

It is now actually very close!! And really important that the children all learn their words and the songs so that we can do rehearsals without scripts!!

We did auditions for the parts in the play and due to having quite a large number of girls (who didn't want to play boys' parts), we have also changed the characters a little!!.
We have been rehearsing a little each day and are starting to remember who goes off stage when, which way to go, when to stand up or sit down etc.

We have also been busy fitting in as much of our usual maths and English lessons as possible!!

In maths, we started by learning about Multiples - looking at different ways to work out whether any number can be divided by the single digit numbers 2 to 9 and of course 10.
We then moved on to Factors and identifying Prime Numbers and then on to Prime Factors.

Our next area has been Fractions. First of all looking at how to actually say the fractions in English! And then on to other vocabulary such as numerator and denominator.
We have looked at comparing the sizes of fractions as Equivalent Fractions and when they have a different denominator -first using a pictorial aid but then later moving on to how to manipulate the fractions so that they are all using the same denominator.
We have looked at Improper fractions where the numerator is the larger number and mixed fractions where there is a whole number and a fraction together.

In English we have begun to look at all the grammatical terms for sentence structure and are now starting to look at how we can use these to improve the level of our writing by adding extra information.

We are learning to identify a main clause and add adverbial and expanded noun phrases and then a range of different types of subordinate clause such as a relative clause, as well as nouns, verbs, prepositions, determiners, adverbs, adjectives and conjunctions.

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