Sunday, 13 November 2016

Monday 7th November

Our new topic this week has been Super Heroes!!

We have read SuperTato by Sue Hendra, who saved the vegetables from the evil Pea!! And also The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man by Michael Chabon (try to guess his real identity!) and we have listened to Charlie's Super Hero Underpants.

Click on the links on the top right to listen to the stories (SuperTato is a different adventure to the one I have in school!).

We have identified everything you need to be a Super Hero (including wearing your under-pants on the outside!!) and made our own 'Splat words' - Pow! Crash! as well as Masks and Super Cuffs!!

We are working hard on our handwriting and have practised 'r' and 's' this week.

In maths we have looked a names and properties of 2D shapes and found lots of them in our classroom!! We have also started to look at how to tell the time using an analogue clock.

2d shapes - square, rectangle, triangle, circle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon
 - how many sides and how many corners

We have also just started to get our Christmas Production going - we all know who we are in the play and we all know our starting position on the stage!!

HOMEWORK - this week Y1 have their reading books and Tricky Words as usual, but they also have their lines for the play - please help them to learn their lines. They need to know who speaks before them too! Please encourage them to read slowly and loudly - but not shouting!

They need to bring their words with them every day!!

And to finish, our Halloween biscuits!!

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