Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Y5 Wednesday 18th October


We have continued to learn more about 2D shape (polygon) and geometry.
We can translate a shape and locate the new position using co-ordinates. We can find the lines of symmetry in regular polygons and orders of rotational symmetry. We can identify whether a polygon will tessellate or not.

We have learnt vocabulary associated with geometry - diagonal, parallel, perpendicular,right angle, obtuse, acute and reflex angles.

We have estimated and measured angles.


We have been looking at correct spellings where there are several alternatives for the sound and how to find which one is best to use. We have looked at long a;  ay  ai  a/e  aA  ei,      i;  I  i/e  igh  y      and e;  e  e/e  ee  ae  y  ey.

We have also looked at spelling and using past tense by adding ed  (whether it sounds like ed, t or id), changing y to ied,  doubling the consonant before ed and lots of irregular past tense verbs.
Most of Y5 use some of these some of the time, so we are trying to improve this.


We are now able to join all the letters and make our writing small, rounded, correct heights for tall and tails - when we are copying a sentence, but.... we are now moving to keeping the good formation when we write and have to think about the content as well as the handwriting - which is a bit more tricky!


We have been learning how to write an explanation text. This involves looking at the sections we need to include; an introduction, a conclusion, which order the information needs to come in, using 3rd person, specific technical vocabulary and cause and effect connectives.


We are just starting to work on formal comprehension exercises (which from now, will be a part of Y5 weekly homework as an online task). So far, we have talked about texts as we read them and asked questions but we now need to think much more deeply about what we are reading.

We are much further into our class novel, 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' -and we now know that Percy is the son of Poseidon, God of the Sea - which has some advantages, but considerably more problems!


We have learnt much more about the Ancient Greeks - their use of Democracy to rule their city, they were the originators of the Olympic Games and some more about Greek Gods and Greek myths.

Our Medusa heads...


We have continued making the planets from Papier Mache and are almost ready to begin painting them!

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Y5 Onegino October 2017

Hello and Welcome to the Y5 Blog!!

Please have a read and let me know if there are any other things that you might like included!

After a bit of a slow start, we are now 'all' (yes all 5 children!) back in school!

Our Y5 classroom is small but snug, and plenty big enough for us.

Over the last 4 weeks we have done quite a lot. Take a look;

We talked about class room rules and expectations and whole school rules and made our own classroom poster.
We also discussed our new Whole School Behaviour Policy and how it would work in the classroom.

We have a classroom Reward System where the children can collect points (called Dojos) and win the individual 'prize' or if the class total reaches past 200 Dojos they can win a class reward.

The rewards can be chosen from a list of things such as 30 minutes of a film (English) or cartoon, 30 minutes extra playtime (outside if the weather is good or in the gym if not) etc. Individual rewards can be to have a cushion to sit on all week, to bring their own pen into school or other ideas chosen by the children.

We have also had some very exciting developments in the dining room! We now have adult sized plates and knives and forks (though nobody seemed quite so keen to have adult sized soup bowls...!)



Place Value to 100,000 - addition, subtraction and rounding

Negative numbers

Decimals to 3 decimal places - addition, subtraction and rounding

Money - UK coins and notes
              giving change
              problem solving

2D shapes - names and properties

3D shapes - names and properties

Times Tables up to 12 x 12


We have looked at describing settings - using adjectives and adverbs and using all of our senses, but also similes, metaphors, personification, to create better pictures in our reader's minds.

We have had a practise at summarising small parts of a story, so that we are able to do this for our reading homework.

We have learnt how to use a 'Fronted Adverbial' to make our writing more interesting and sound more grown up.

We are starting to work our way through common spelling patterns and sounds and learn when we can use a rule to tell us which pattern to use for a sound that can be made in different ways.
Although we do do a weekly spelling test, the real test of this is actually in the children's own independent writing - which we are also starting to learn to do.

We have learnt how each letter should be formed to enable us to do joined handwriting (some of them are not quite happy with some of the letters that change their shape - 'what a silly way' they said - until I pointed out that as I was trying to learn Russian and the same thing happens - d, t, g...... LOL!! Ohhh yes, so it does!!!)

Our current class novel fits very nicely with our history topic of The Ancient Greeks. It is called 'Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief' by Rick Riordan. It is very exciting -but isn't it strange how each time it gets to an exciting bit, I have to stop and we have to wait till the next time......


Our topic is The Ancient Greeks but first we needed to put our history into perspective. We have made a timeline to show where 'our history' fits in with the history of the planet. We have also learnt about BC and AD.

We have made mind maps of our current knowledge of the Ancient Greeks and thought about what we would like to find out about their lives.

We are finding out about the Greek Gods of Olympus and listening to/watching Greek myths to find out more about their beliefs.


In science we have been learning all about the movements and timings of the sun, moon and earth and how they affect each other.
We have used ourselves to represent them and also used a globe and various balls to understand the movements.


We have just begun to make the planets of our solar system using papier mache - which is proving to be fun and 'interesting' (though not sure our Nanny agrees!).

Music Week

We had a very interesting week last week as we studied The 'Planets Suite' by Gustav Holst. We learnt about each suite (all linked to our Greek.. well ok Roman! Gods) and watched them played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra at the Last Night of the Proms at the Royal Albert Halls in London. We then celebrated International Music Day by having a great assembly on Friday, all organised by our super music teacher, Miss Natalia!!

So, quite a busy first month back at school!!